Phone Number: 07501 489736
1 Fabric Glue Pen and 1 refill
Adhesive Remover 50ml
Adhesive: Hi-Tack Fabric Glue: 115ml
Aleene's Fabric Fusion Pack (3 Pieces)
Aleene's Fabric Tacky Pack (3 Pieces)
Aleene's Felt and Foam Tacky Glue
Aleenes Leather & Suede Glue 118ml
Bostik Blu Tack
Cosmic Shimmer Dry Clear Glue 125ml
Cosmic Shimmer Dry Clear Glue 30ml
Cosmic Shimmer Dry Clear Glue 60ml
Double Sided Polyester Ultra Clear Sheets - 105mm x 152mm
Fabric Glue 118ml
Fabric Glue Pen - 2 Refills
Fine Nickel Plated Nibs
Glue Sticks - Premier Craft Tools
Low Tack Stencil Tape - 25mm x 25m
Mod Podge Dishwasher 473ml
Mod Podge Fabric 236ml
Mod Podge Gloss 118ml
Mod Podge Gloss 236ml
Mod Podge Matte 118ml
Mod Podge Matte 236ml
Mod Podge Outdoor 236ml
Mod Podge Photo Transfer 59ml
Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium 236ml
Photo Glue 50ml
Pinflair Bookbinding Glue, 120g tub
Pinflair Glue Gel Kit
Quickie Glue Sakura Pinpoint Roller Quickie Glue